The North Shore Wargames Club

Auckland, New Zealand

Venue: Mairangi Bay Scout Hall, 20 Hastings Road, Mairangi Bay.

We meet on the 2nd, 4th and 5th Sunday of each month.
Meetings run from 10am to 5pm.

Next meetings:
13 April club meeting
27 April club meeting, Saga Sunday
11 May club meeting
25 May club meeting, Saga Sunday
8 June club meeting
22 June club meeting
29 June club meeting, Saga Sunday

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15mm ancients game at the North Shore Wargames Club

19th Century

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Latest News

Club meeting 30 March 2025
A great club meeting today! We had several Saga games, Napoleonics, and Kings of War. I think the highlight of the day though was the demo participation game of Angels One Six, Phil Yates' new WWII aerial combat game. Pretty much everyone at the club joined in for a mission or two, and the response was overwhelmingly enthusiastic.

Kings of War - Brett (Empire of Dust) played Kit (Orcs)
Saga - Jason (Saracens) played Marcel (Milites Christi)
Greg (French) played Philip (Last Romans)
Ben (Steppe Peoples) played Robert (Indians)
Greg (French) played Jason (Scottish)
Glory is Fleeting - Andrew (Prussian) played Mike (French)

Angels One Six demo game at the North Shore Wargames Club

Saga Sunday at the North Shore Wargames Club

Club meeting 23 March 2025
A bit of ancients, renaissance and Napoleonics at today's club meeting:
15mm DBMM - Ben (Early Byzantines) played Philip (Mithridatic)
15mm DBR - Kit (Irish Confederate) played Stu (Alwa)
Glory is Fleeting - Napoleonic - Andrew (1815 Prussian) played Brett (1799 Anglo-Russian)

15mm Alwa in a DBR game

15mm Early Byzantines vs Mithridatic in a 15mm DBMM game

Club meeting 9 March 2025
At today's club meeting, we had several 15mm DBMM ancients games. It was great to get the old armies out again. Ancients used to be a really strong period at the club and there was lots of interest in playing more ancient games. Also at the club, a Kings of War game between a couple of really nice armies.
Kings of War - Alan (Basileans) played Brett (Empire of Dust)
15mm DBMM - Benny (Early Carthaginians) played Malcolm (Early Imperial Romans)
Al (Spartans) played Shaun (Later Carthaginans)
Philip (New Kingdom Egyptians) played Stuart (Middle Assyrians)

Kings of War game

15mm DBMM Romans versus Carthaginians

Annual General Meeting 23 February 2025
At the A.G.M. we re-elected the committee - El Presidente Steve Eyles, Treasurer Kit Goldsbury, and Secretary Stu Todd.
We'll be running a programme of events similar to last year - Flames of War, Kings of War, DBR Push of Pike, and Saga. Exact dates to be announced soon.
Fees are $50 for the year. Please pay to our club account 03-0181-0079415-000
Thanks again to everyone for supporting the club over the past year, and we're looking forward to a thriving 2025 with more activity at the club.

Club meeting 23 February 2025
As well as the A.G.M., we had quite a few games happening. It was the first Saga Sunday of the year, attracting 8 players in 6 games. Some Napoleonics and two quite different WWII games rounded out the day.

Saga - Greg (Age of Chivalry English) played Philip (Last Romans)
Ben (Huns) played Rob (Skraelings)
Jason (Irish) played Marcel (Normans)
Jason (Burgundians) played Robert (English)
Ben (Huns) played Philip (Last Romans)
Brett (Britons) played Greg (English)
Glory is Fleeting - Napoleonic - Andrew (Russian Guard) played Mike (1794 French)
Flames of War - Brett (Finns) played Steve (Soviets) in a newish scenario 'Locked horns' with the win going to Steve.
WRG 1925-1950 rules - A 15mm WWII game using the original 1973 edition of WRG's WWII rules. These were played quite frequently in the club back in the 70s using Airfix models. Today Al's BEF took on Kit's 1940 Germans in a game that looked very appealing.

15mm WWII game using 1973 edition of WRG rules

Club meeting 9 February 2025

Club meeting 26 January 2025

Club meeting 12 January 2025
It was all Napoleonics at the club today with several of us getting in practice games for Cancon. Stu's new 3D printed 15mm figures also made their debut on table.
Glory is Fleeting - Napoleonic - Brett (1815 Neapolitans) played Corbon (1848 Mexicans)
Andrew (Russians) played Mike (1795 Spanish)
Stu (1812 Italians) played Philip (1812 French)

3D-printed 15mm Napoleonic figures

More club news.

This page last updated 30 March 2025
