News Archive July-December 2016

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11 December 2016 - Christmas Kings tournament

Our last meeting of the year was devoted to a KOW tournament. Kit won first place with Orcs in a field of 8 players.
Tournament details: 1250 points, 4 rounds of 1.5 hours

Club meeting 27 November 2016

Club meeting 13 November 2016

A couple of FOG-N games playtesting the new rules: Andrew (Russian Guards) played Kendall (Mixed Nationalities)
Brett (French Guard 1815) played Mike (Peninsular British)

Flames of War. Ben (Germans) played Steve (Soviets). In a second game, Ben's Germans played Kit's US Bastogne army in the cauldron.

Kings of War. Getting ready for the Christmas tournament, we had some 1250 point games: Philip (Forces of Nature) played Rob (Forces of Nature)
Philip (Forces of Nature) played Steve (Varangur)
Kendall (Brotherhood) played Rob (Forces of Nature)

Club meeting 30 October 2016

L'Art de la Guerre - Alan (Romans) played Brett (Japanese)

Flames of War - John (Germans) played Rob (British) in a 3000 point game.

Kings of War - Brett (Kingdoms of Men) played Kendall (Forces of Nature)
We also discussed running a one-day KOW tournament in the first meeting of December. More details to come.

Club meeting 23 October 2016

A couple of games for people not at competitions yesterday.
FOG-N: Brett (French) played Stuart (Russian) with another playtest of some potential rule changes.
15mm Medieval: Alan (Castillian) played Kendall (100YW English) using Kings of War Historical and then L'Art de la Guerre. Verdicts - KoWH is fun but not particularly serious although if both players make a more historical army then it's a nice, quick set of rules. LADG is a bit like a mashup of all the best parts of FoG and DBx, size is comparable to DBMM240. Quick and enjoyable game and can see why it's picking up traction in Europe.

Club meeting 9 October 2016

DBMM - Al (Tudor English) played Philip (Saite Egyptian) - a practice game for Heavy Metal Con coming up in a couple of weeks.

FOG-N - Andrew (British) played Brett (French)

Kings of War - Alan (Undead) played Kendall (Nature)

Flames of War - Rob (Poles) played Steve (Germans)
Rob (Poles) played Ray (Germans)
Kit (US) played Ben (Germans)
Steve (Germans) played Ben (Germans)

Club meeting 25 September 2016

DBR 15mm Mark (Swiss) played Grant (Imperialists)
FOG-N Andrew (British 1815) played Philip (German Confederation 1814) playtesting some new rules. Andrew got the win using an outflank.
Kit (British 1815) played Stu (Saxons 1809)
Kings of War We had four KOW games today - Rob visiting from SAMWC had a couple of games with his Abyssals against Rob's Herd and Alan's goblins. Brett's Elves took on Rob's Herd and Alan's goblins.

Field of Glory Napoleonics game at the North Shore Wargames Club

Kings of War game at the North Shore Wargames Club

DBR game at the North Shore Wargames Club

Club meeting 11 September 2016

As well as the second day of POP, there was one other game at the club today. Brett and Andrew did some FOGN playtesting, using Austrians and an 1813 multi-national corps.

Push of Pike 10-11 September 2016

There are 12 players at Push of Pike. This year's tournament features European armies 1618 to 1665.
1st place - Philip Abela (Parliamentarians)
2nd place - Mike Haycock (Scots Covenanters)
3rd place - John Way (Parliamentarians)
Brian won the prize for Best Army with the Scots Covenanters.

Push of Pike 2016 at the North Shore Wargames Club

Club meeting 28 August 2016

Another good turnout with quite a variety of games being played - Tanks, Halo Spacefleets, Kings of War, Flames of War, FOG Napoleonics, and DBR (a practice game for Push of Pike next meeting).

Kings of Shore 14 August 2016

Today's club meeting was devoted to our Kings of War tournament, which was also the club tournament. Brett took first place in both competitions.
Players pack.

Club meeting 31 July 2016

Flames of War. We had three WWII games today - Lee and John, Lee and Rob, and Kit and Steve.

FOG-N. Brett's Austrians and Russians beat Philip's Anglo-Dutch.

Kings of War. Mike had a couple of practice games with his new Abyssal army, against Rob and Alan.

Club meeting 24 July 2016

FOG-N - Brett (Austrians) played Philip (Netherlands 1815)
Kings of War - Alan (Undead) v Rob (Varangur)
Alan (Undead) v Mike (Abyssals)
Brett (Elves) v Philip (Kingdoms of Men)
Kit (Orcs) v Rob (Varangur)
Gervais (Empire of Dust) v Steve (Varangur)

Panzerschreck 17 July 2016

Club meeting 10 July 2016

Panzerschreck is coming up next weekend, and in preparation for that, John, Ray, Rob and Steve had a couple of practice games.

Also next weekend is the Melbourne FOG-Napoleonics tournament. Andrew and Brett gave the Eylau scenario a test run. Brent (1813 Prussians) beat Philip (1815 British) in a standard game (non-scenario).

Kings of War - Alan (Goblins) played Philip (Kingdoms of Men).

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This page last updated 3 January 2021
