Push of Pike 2007

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Push of Pike 2007
Renaissance Wargaming Tournament

The unruly mob of players at PoP 2007The fourth annual Push of Pike tournament was held on the weekend of 1-2 September 2007. The theme for this year's competition was Armies of Africa and Asia.

Thanks to Battleline Miniatures for their sponsorship of the prizes.

Best presented army

DBR Alwa armies in 15mm. Click for larger image.Bryan won the painting prize for the second year running, this time with a new Alwa army. Stu's Alwa army was also highly commended. Both are pictured here from their Round One game, Bryan's on the left, Stu's on the right. Click the picture to see a larger image.

Other armies to attract a significant number of votes in the painting competition were the Marathas, Muslim Indians, Tripolitanians, and Ottoman Turks.

Competition Results

1st place, 332 points, Richard Foster, Ottoman Turks
2, 331, Stu Todd, Alwa
3, 329, Andrew Hunter, Maghrebi - Tripoli
4, 227, John Way, Mamluk Egyptians
5, 220, Richard Fields, Sinhalese and Dutch
6, 220, Mike Holt, White Sheep Turkoman
7, 220, Philip Abela, Maratha Indians
8, 220, Ian Candy, Muslim Indians
9, 220, Kendall Blue, Japanese
10, 111, Scott Gallagher, Burmese and Portuguese
11, 110, Bryan Orsbourne, Alwa

Round OneDBR 15mm Burmese
The opponents in this round were drawn randomly.
Stuart (Alwa) 110 - 0 Bryan (Alwa)
Andrew (Tripolitanian) 110 - 0 Mike (White Sheep Turkoman)
Philip (Maratha) 109 - 1 Scott (Burmese)
Richard (Ottoman Turks) 109 - 1 Richard (Sinhalese)
Kendall (Japanese) 109 - 1 Ian (Muslim Indians)
John - Bye 110

Right: Burmese infantry moving through a forest, with an elephant nearby. The Burmese list had a block of sixteen Wb(I), and they spent a lot of time fighting in forests and BUAs.

Below: Another view of the Alwa battle. There was a long difficult struggle in the sand dunes between the Cm(S) of both sides.
DBR 15mm Alwa

Round Two
DBR 15mm Sinhalese and Dutch allies Stuart (Alwa) 110 - 0 Kendall (Japanese)
Richard (Ottoman Turks) 110 - 0 Philip (Maratha)
Andrew (Tripolitanian) 109 - 1 John (Mamluk)
Richard (Sinhalese) 109 - 1 Scott (Burmese)
Ian (Muslim Indians) 110 - 0 Bryan (Alwa)
Mike - Bye 110

Right: A Dutch frigate sails past the action on land. The ship model comes from the Pirateology game. The Sinhalese army had Dutch allies, with the only pistol element and the only pike and shot unit in the tournament. Their Burmese opponents in this game had Portuguese allies, deployed on the same flank as the Dutch. The Dutch contingent was defeated by Burmese elephants, but the rest of the Sinhalese army fought on to gain the victory.

Round Three
DBR 15mm Muslim Indians and Tripolitanians
John (Mamluks) 110 - 0 Richard (Sinhalese)
Philip (Maratha) 110 - 0 Mike (White Sheep Turkoman)
Richard (Ottoman Turks) 109 - 1 Stu (Alwa)
Ian (Muslim Indians) 109 - 1 Andrew (Tripolitanian)
Scott (Burmese) 109 - 1 Kendall (Japanese)
Bryan - Bye 110

Right: Muslim Indians v Tripolitanians

Round Four
DBR 15mm Maghrebi - Tripolitanians
Richard (Sinhalese) 110 - 0 Bryan (Alwa)
Mike (White Sheep Turkoman) 110 - 0 Scott (Burmese)
Stu (Alwa) 110 - 0 Ian (Muslim Indians)
Andrew (Tripolitanian) 109 - 1 Philip (Maratha)
John (Mamluk) 6 - 4 Richard (Ottoman Turks)
Kendall - Bye 110

Right: Spearmen defending Tripoli, with a few Janissaries keeping an eye on them.

Below: The final game between the Mamluk Egyptians and the Ottoman Turks. The Mamluk list used the 1517 Battle of Raydaniyah options, with fortifications, galleys, and extra artillery. This was the only game in the weekend to result in a draw, but Richard held on long enough to claim victory in the tournament.
DBR 15mm Mamluk Egypians and Ottoman Turks

Date: 1-2 September 2007
Venue: Forrest Hill Scout Hall, Becroft Park on Becroft Avenue, North Shore, Auckland.
Competition Rules: DBR rules version 2.0 with revised AP (see below). Normal scale battles. 15mm scale. Table size 6 x 4 feet.
Draw: The tournament has two four-hour rounds per day, beginning at 9:00am.
The draw uses the Swiss chess system.
Victory Points: As per page 24 of the rules, plus 100 points for breaking the opponent's army without being broken yourself.
Byes: If the number of competitors is uneven or becomes uneven during the competition, a bye scoring 110 points will be awarded to the current lowest scoring player.
Best Army: The award for the Best Presented Army will be decided by the votes of all the participants. It encompasses the painting, basing, terrain, and overall composition and style of the army.
Deployment Rules: We will use the modifications based on the BHGS Nationals rules.
The Deployment rules are as per the rules but with the following changes:
Deployment is in the following order:
(1) First the defender and then the invader place all fortifications and Baggage not embarked on naval elements or in a BUA.
(2) Both sides record the relative positions of their commands from left-to-right and from front-to-rear and the exact position and direction faced of troops in ambush.
(3) Each side alternately deploys one command, starting with the defender. Each side must deploy its command with the greatest number of ME, including Baggage. Its remaining commands can be deployed in any order. Deployment includes all land & naval elements and fixed obstacles except any in ambush.
(4) The defender places the concealed command (if any), less any ambushers it includes.
Army Lists: Armies of 400AP.
AP: Push of Pike will use revised element costs.

Armies must be chosen from these lists:

Previous PoPs
2004 Open list competition
2005 ECW and TYW
2006 Early Wars
2007 Armies of Africa and Asia
2008 The Wars of Religion
2009 The Turkish Wars
2010 Open list competition
2011 ECW and TYW
2012 Armies 1650-1700
2013 European armies 1540-1600
2014 Non-European armies 1494-1700
2015 Armies and Enemies of Charles V 1516-1556
2016 European Armies 1618 to 1665
2018 Open list competition
2019 Armies in Europe 1494-1600
2020 Armies of Africa and Asia
2022 European armies 1660-1700
2023 Suleiman the Magnificent 1520-1566
2024 Thirty Years War and English Civil War

This page last updated 9 October 2023
