News Archive 2013

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Club meeting 28 December 2014

Kings of War - Alan and Rob had a couple of games using Kingdoms of Men and Forces of Nature, followed by a quick Saga game in a Final Stand scenario.
FOGN - In a further playtest of the Quatre Bras scenario, Brett's Austrians successfully defended against Mike's French.
FOGN - Al (British and Spanish) defeated Philip (Army of the Orient) in a 1000 point game.

Club meeting 14 December 2014

Saga - Alan and Rob had a couple of games using the new Crescent and Cross rules.
FOGN - Mike used his new French army against Andrew's Prussians. Brett (French) beat Philip (German Confederation) in a test of the Quatre Bras scenario.
Crossfire - Bruce and John had a game using Bruce's new 20mm WWII terrain with John's armies.
FOW - Kit (Germans) played Steve (Soviets) in a battle over a railway terrian.

Snapshot on the Shore 30 November 2014

The NSWC hosted our first Snapshot tournament. It was a one-day event using late war armies. The three scenarios were Free For All, No Retreat and Dust Up. Kit won first place.

Club meeting 30 November 2014

In addition to Snapshot, there were a few regular club games today. John and Grant had a 25mm DBR game, using Portuguese Colonial with Tupi allies agains Royalists. The Royalist infantry outshot their opponents, and even the Royalist merchant ships outshot the Portuguese warships.
Alan and Philip had two Kings of War games, both using Kingdoms of Men. One game was drawn and Alan won the other.

Club meeting 23 November 2014

FOGN - Philip's German Confederation 1813 got a 30-10 win against Kendall's Russian Cavalry Corps 1813.

FOW - Lee had two games, first against Steve and then Rob.
Kit's US force got a 6-1 win against Steve's Germans in a fighting withdrawal scenario, playing on a boccage terrain that will be used at Snapshot next week.

FOGN Germans vs Russian cavalry corps
The mass of German conscripts await the advancing Russian cavalry and horse artillery. Not a Russian infantryman to be seen anywhere!.
Flames of War bocage terrain
Germans and Americans clash in the bocage.

Clash of Kings tournament 15 November 2014

Alan, Philip and Rob played in the Kings of War tournament, all three using Kingdoms of Men armies. Rob took out first place in the tournament.

Club meeting 9 November 2014

Some more practice games of Kings of War, preparing for the Clash of Kings tournament next weekend.
Kendall (Ogres) drew with Alan (Kingdom of Men)
Rob (Kingdom of Men) beat Kendall (Ogres)
Finally Rob played Alan, both using Kingdoms of Men.

There were three Napoleonics games.
Brent (1815 Prussians) beat Philip (1815 Netherlands)
Mike, playing in his first FOGN game at the club, beat Brett. In the Salamanca scenario, Mike used 1809 French attacking and defeating Brett who had Austrians.
Kit (1815 British) beat Michael (1814 French)

Club meeting 26 October 2014

Rob played Alan in a couple of games of Kings of War winning one a piece, both using Kingdom of Men.
Brett played Mike in Napoleonics FOG.
Kit (British) played Brent (Prussian) who fielded his very first unit for his new army, some very nice Hussars. Kendall provided moral support and troops for Brent.

Heavy Metal Con 25-26 October 2014

The Franklin Reivers club in Pukekohe hosted the second Heavymetalcon, this year with competitions for 25mm DBMM and WWII Bolt Action.

Club meeting 12 October 2014

DBMM 25mm - In a practice game for Heavy Metal Con, Benny's Carthaginians beat Philip's Saite Egyptians.

FOGN - Kendall (Anglo-Russians 1799) beat Brent (Prussians)

FOGN - Marengo scenario game. Mike's Ottoman Turks beat Andrew's mixed nation corps.

FOW - Steve's Soviets with lend-lease Shermans and captured Panthers got a 6-1 win over Brett's US army.

FOGN Marengo scenario game
The Ottoman Turks defending the towns and riverbank in the Marengo scenario.
DBMM Egyptians and Carthaginians
The same Greeks and Egyptians, recently seen masquerading as a Kings of War army, today were back to depicting themselves, but with no better result.

Club meeting 28 September 2014

The second day of the PoP tournament coincided with a regular club day. There were a couple of 15mm FOGN battles. Kit (British) beat Andrew (Mixed nationality corps) in the Durnstein scenario, illustrated below. In the other game, Brett played Brent assisted by chief-of-staff Gneisnau (Blue), defeating him after a tenacious hanging-on for longer than expected defence by the Prussians.

FOGN scenario

Push of Pike 27-28 September 2014
The 11th annual DBR renaissance tournament is happening on the last weekend of September at the club hall. The theme for this year's Push of Pike tournament is Non-European armies 1494-1700.

DBR Push of Pike 2014
Tripolitanian infantry attacking Indian cavalry.

Club meeting 14 September 2014

A quiet meeting with Guard Con being on the same day. There were two games, FoGN and a 28mm WWII game.

GuardCon 13-14 September 2014
The City Guard are running GuardCon at James Cook High School (the venue for next year's Natcon), with several NSWC players in the Flames of War and Saga competitions.

Club meeting 31 August 2014

Kings of War gameKings of War. Alan and Philip had a fantasy battle using Warhammer Brettonians and DBMM Egyptians for Kingdoms of Men armies.

Saga. Alan's Anglo-Danes played Rob's Vikings.

A couple of games each of 15mm DBR, FOG-N, and FOW.
In DBR, Rob and Kendall had a practice game for Push of Pike using Turkomen and Japanese, with the win going to Kendall.
John (Later Danes 1672) played Stu (Royal French 1640). The 10-0 win to the Danes belied the closeness of the action. With two fast moving, hard-charging armies in play, the game was over in 2.5 hours.

FOG-N. Al's Peninsular British beat Shaun's French.
In a scenario game, Andy's Mixed Nation Corps, with a new British division, defeated Brett's Austrians in the Waterloo scenario.

FoW. Mike had a couple of games using his Russian army first against Steve's Germans, and then Kit's US army.

Club meeting 24 August 2014

Alan and Kendall played a game of Songs of Blades and Heroes.

FOG-N. Today we had two Napoleonics games using scenarios from the Melbourne tournament. Andy's Mixed Nation Corps defeated Philip's Netherlands Corps in the Friedland scenario with an all-out assault on one of the towns. In the Durnstein scenario, Mike's 1814 French beat Brett's 1800 Austrians.

FoW. Rob's British Airborne took on Steve's Germans.

Club meeting 10 August 2014

Club meeting 27 July 2014

Rob and Alan had a couple of fantasy games, firstly Kings of War using Goblins and Human armies, and then Songs of Blades and Heroes.

FoG-N. Mike (Turks) beat Philip (Netherlands 1815)

Flames of War. Steve had two games against Kit and Brett.

Melbourne Napoleonic Tournament 19-20 July 2014

The League of Ancients wargaming club hosted a Field of Glory Napoleonics tournament with 24 players, including seven from New Zealand - Al, Brett, Keith, Kendall, Kit, Mike, Philip. All the NZ players got top ten placings, including Brett 1st (Austrians), Kendall 2nd (Mixed Nation Corps) and Kit 3rd (British).

As well as attending the competition, we also went on a shopping expedition to Eureka and bought a whole lot of AB Miniatures, and also got some stuff from the Wargames Miniatures trade stand where they were selling JR Miniatures terrain.

Napoleonics trophies

Club meeting 13 July 2014

Three training games for the upcoming Napoleonics tournament.
Brett (Austrians) v Andrew H (Italians)
Kit (British) v Al (British)
Kendall (Mixed Nation Corps) v Andrew D (Mixed Nation Corps)

Club meeting 29 June 2014

FoG-N. Al (800 pt British) was beaten by Brett (650 pt Austrian). Brett still outnumbered Al with 150 pts less!

John and Grant played a 500 pt 28mm DBR game with both using Samurai.

28mm DBR Samurai battle

Club meeting 22 June 2014

The Scout hall is looking good now, with a bit of a tidy up and new lighting. Thanks to the Scouts for all their work there!

WHFB - Dan and Rob had a Warhammer game, both using Orcs and Goblins.

FOG-N - Brett (Austrians) played Mike (Ottoman)
FOG-N - Kendall (Mixed Nation Corps) played Philip (Netherlands 1815), resulting in a mutual break.
FoW - Steve had two games with his Soviet army, first against Lyndon's Americans and then against Kit's Germans.
Bolt Action - Another WWII game with a marvellous table of terrain, including lots of buildings assembled by Scott, and which are available from Drive Through games.
Bolt Action
Bolt Action

Club meeting 8 June 2014

Mike (Ottoman) played Kendall (Mixed Nation) in FOGN as a pre-Melbourne training.
Steve and Lee played in FOW as a pre-Wolfcry training.
Rob played Wayne in SAGA, showing off some nicely painted Skraelings.
Al played Kit in a WRG WW2 desert game. Von Goldsbury's Panzergrenadiers repelling the British of Donald.

NICon 31 May-1 June 2014

The North Island convention was held in Tauranga, and we entered the FoG Napoleonics competition.

NICon 2014

1. Mike Haycock Anglo-Portuguese Army 1810-11 (73 points)
2. Brett Preston-Thomas Austrian Army in Germany 1800 (72)
3. Philip Abela German Confederation 2nd Corps 1814 (56)
4. Rob Sadler Army of the Duchy of Warsaw 1812 (51)
5. Kit Goldsbury Anglo Netherlands Army in Belgium 1815 (45)
6. Steve Eyles Army of Italy 1809 (28)

Al Donald (Anglo-Portuguese Army 1810-11) and Kendall Blue (Mixed Nation Corps 1813) also played on the Saturday, giving us two more games on the first day.

The award for the best painted army was voted on by all the participants, and was also a close contest.
1st Philip Abela German Confederation 2nd Corps 1814 (14 points)
2nd Brett Preston-Thomas Austrian Army in Germany 1800 (12)
3rd Kendall Blue Mixed Nation Corps 1813 (11)

Thanks to Blair and all the crew from Tauranga for a great convention. See you all in Thames for NICon 2015.

Club meeting 25 May 2014

Just like last meeting, lots of FOG Napoleonics happening at the club today.
Kendall (Mixed nationality Corps) beat Shaun (Bavarians 1815)
Philip (German Confederation 1814) beat Alan (Westphalians)
Kit (British 1815) beat Steve (Italians 1809)
Mike (Peninsular British) played Brett (Austrians 1800). An Austrian flank march surrounded the British army but not in time to break them before the end of the game. An 18-7 draw in favour of the Austrians.

Club meeting 11 May 2014

Lots of FOGN practice games with Nicon coming up at the end of the month.
Rob (Poles) beat Alan (Westphalians)
Steve (Italians) beat Brett (Austrians)
Philip (German Confederation 1814) beat Shaun (Bavarians 1815)
Mike (Peninsular British) played Kendall (Multi national Corps)

Club meeting 27 April 2014

FOG-N - Brett (1809 Austrian) and Kit (1815 Anglo-Allied) played with an exciting and bloody 16-9 to Brett.

Steve, Rod and Lee played two FOW games.

Natcon 2014 Christchurch

Rob did very well in the Flames of War late war competition, coming second with six 6-1 victories out of seven games.

Our club provided 6 out of the 8 players in the FOG Napoleonic competition. Brett won the best painted army prize for his 1800 Austrians. Mike was first with the Ottoman Turks, Kit second with 1815 Brits, and Keith 3rd with the 1812 Russians.

Club meeting 13 April 2014

FoG-N - Mike (Turks) played Philip (German Confederation 1814)

FoG-N - Brett (Austrians) played Kit (British 1815)

FOW - Steve (Soviets) played Lyndon (US)

Bolt Action
Bolt Action game

Club meeting 30 March 2014

FoG-N - Kendall (1814 Anglo-Prussians) played Al (1810 Peninsular British)

FoG-N - Brett (Austrians) beat Andrew (1790s Piedmontese)

FOW - Steve (Fallschirmjager) played Rob (Brits)

Club meeting 23 March 2014

Just a couple of FOG-N games at the club today, as lots of people were away at Equinox.

FoG-N - Brett (Austrians) beat Kendall (1814 Prussians and British).

FoG-N - Philip (French Army of the Orient) beat Alan (Westphalians).

Equinox 22-23 March 2014

Some good results of NSWC club members at the Flames of War mid-war tournament at Equinox -
Lee - 2nd= and 2nd place prize on countback
Mike - 2nd=
Greg, Kit, Steve all got good mid-table placings.

Club meeting 9 March 2014

Saga - Rob's Skraelings took on Alan's Normans in three battles.

FoG-N - Kit (1815 British) beat Michael (British Peninsular).

FoG-N - Al (1810 British Peninsular) beat Philip (German Confederation).

FOW - Mike (US Recon in Tunisia) beat Lee (German mid-war armour).

FOW - Steve (Fallschirmjager in Sicily) beat Lee (German).

New Zealand Festival of MindSports 1-2 March 2014

Multi-player FoG Napoleonic gameSeveral of us went to Thames to put on a Napoleonic demonstration game. We had a 3000 point multiplayer game using 1815 armies. The allies (Andrew, Kendall, Kit and Philip) defeated the French (Brett, Mike, Rob, and Steve who came to join us from Tauranga).

In addition to the Napoleonics, Al took his Spartans to join in the 25mm DBMM games.

The event was held in the Thames War Memorial Civic Centre, a really good venue. Good potential for a future Nicon too!

Club meeting 23 February 2014

FoG-N - Brett (French Imperial Guard) beat Alan (Westphalians).

FoG-N - Al (British 1810) beat Kit (British 1815).

Continuing the Napoleonic theme of the meeting, we had our first two games of the Sails of Glory naval game.

BattleCry 2014 15-16 February

A good turnout from the club and some good results at BattleCry. Al ran the Moderns 1/300 competition, trialling the revised rules. Rob ran Flames of War this year. In FOG-N, 9 of the 12 players were from our club. Mike (1808 Turks) was second, Kit (1815 British) was third, and Philip got the best painted army prize for the 1814 German Confederation.

A couple of pictures from the Napoleonics competition

French v Westphalians, FoG Napoleonics

British v French, FoG Napoleonics

Club meeting 9 February 2014

FoG-N - Kendall (Prussians) played Alan (Westphalians).

FoG-N - Michael (Ottoman Turks) beak Philip (German Confederation).

FoG-N - Brett (Tyroleans) got a winning draw against Kit (British).

Bolt Action - More 20mm WWII gaming from John and Scott.

FOW - Steve had two games, against Gervais' Hungarians and Rob's Germans.

CanCon 2014

Congratulations to Stu for taking 3rd place in DBR at CanCon, using the Royal French 1658 army.

Club meeting 26 January 2014

DBMM 15mm - Steve (Late Romans) played Philip (Mithridatic) in a 500 point game. Both sides lost one command, and the game was a draw.

DBMM 15mm - Brett (Alexandrian Imperial) beat Kendall (Normans). An unreliable Norman command let the side down, and the game was a 23-2 win to the brilliant Alexander.

FoG-Ancients - Alan (Normans) beat Rob (Byzantines).

FoG-N - Andrew (1814 Multi-national Corps) beat Shaun (1814 French).

FoG-N - Michael (Ottoman Turks) beat Kit (1815 British).

Field of Glory ancient battle between Normans and Byzantines
Byzantines v Normans.

Club meeting 12 January 2014

WHFB - Rob (Chaos Dwarves) beat Dan (Empire).

FoG-N - Brett's Tyrolean Revolt army got a 25-0 win against Philip's 1814 German Confederation.

FoG-N - Andrew's 1814 multi-national corps (Austrians/Prussians/Russians) defeated Kendall's 1815 Prussians (some newly painted AB figures on their first game).

FoW. Steve's Heroes of the Soviet Union had a game against Mikes Germans, and two games against Kit's German grenadiers. Three heroic defeats unfortunately.

The club's AGM was well attended, and we re-elected the existing committee. The next major event on the club calendar is the Napoleonics challenge matches with the Auckland club just before Battlecry.

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