News Archive 2020

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Club meeting 26 December 2021

Our final meeting of the year was a quiet one with three games on:
Kings of War - Alan (Goblins) played Philip (Herd)
Philip (Herd) played Rob (Northern Alliance)
Field of Glory Napoleonics - Brett (1793 French) played Stu (Saxons)

Kings of War Herd versus Goblins

Club meeting 12 December 2021

Our club had the first meeting in ages. Plenty of newly painted figures to show off in these games:
Kings of War - Alan (Goblins) played Robert (Forces of Nature)
Field of Glory Napoleonics - Brett (1799 Austrians) played Mike (French in Spain)
Philip (Maratha) played Stu (Mamlukes)
Andrew (Russians) played Kendall (Wurttembergers)
Flames of War - Kit (US) played Ben (German)

15mm 1799 Austrians in Field of Glory Napoleonic game

Club meetings begin again in December

There have been no club meetings while Auckland is in alert levels 3 and 4. When the club reopens under the new 'traffic light' system, under Red we will meet under these conditions: Attendance for club members only; Vaccine pass required; Scan the QR code at the hall (or fill in the paper attendance list.)
Our next meeting will be on 12 December.

Push of Pike has been postponed, and the Natcon to be held in Hamilton earlier this year was cancelled. An announcement about new dates for POP and a FOGN tournament will be made once we have more certainty about mass gatherings.

Club meeting 8 August 2021

Games at today's club meeting:

Vanguard - Greg and Simon had several games of Vanguard.
Frostgrave - Alan and Rob played on some spectacular terrain.
DBR - Grant (Thirty Years War Protestants) played Kit (Scots Jacobites)
FOG-N - Brett (Bavarian 1809) played Mike H (Ottoman Turks)
Mike B (French 1809) played Philip (Anglo-Netherlands 1815)
Andrew (Russian Guards) played Kendall (Wurttembergers)

North Shore Wargames Club meeting 8 August 2021

Club meeting 25 July 2021

It has been very pleasing to see such a lot of activity at the club recently. Today we had nine games in all. There are more pictures of the games on our facebook page.

Kings of War - Alan (Goblins) played Braith (Dwarfs)
Philip (Kingdoms of Men) played Regan (Ogres)
Braith (Dwarfs) played Kendall (Orcs)
Alan (Goblins) played Philip (Kingdoms of Men)
DBR - Grant (Cossacks) played Kit (Scots Jacobites)
FOG-N - Brett (French 1813) played Andrew (Prussian 1813)
Al (Spanish) played Kendall (Wurttembergers)
Flames of War - Lee (Soviets) played Mike (Italians and DAK)
Team Yankee - John (British) played Lee (Soviets)

Team Yankee game at the NSWC

Kings of War game at the NSWC

Club meeting 11 July 2021

15mm DBR game at the NSWC

Vanguard - Kendall (Orcs) played Simon (Dwarves)
DBR - Rob (Ottoman Turks) played Stu (Swedes)
FOG-N - Brett (Austrians) played Philip (Marathas)
Andrew (Russian Guard) played Corbon (British 1812)
Corbon (Anglo-Russian Expeditionary Force 1805) played Mike (French)
Flames of War - Kit (Germans) played Stephen (British)

Call to Arms 3-4 July 2021

Good luck to Al and Benny playing DBMM at CTA in Wellington this weekend!

Club meeting 27 June 2021

Kings of War multiplayer game at the NSWC

Kings of War - The highlight of today's club meeting was seeing 12,000 points on two creaking tables in a three-a-side game between the goodies Andrew (Ogres), Simon (Elves) and Rob (Ogres) against the baddies Alan (Undead), Mark (Orcs) and Sam (Empire of Dust)
DBR - The dates for Push of Pike have just been announced. Let the practice games begin! Our first game was Kit using his new Scots Jacobite army against Philip using Hesse Kassel (from the Later Minor German States list)
FOG-N - Brett (Austrians) played Mike (1812 Saxons)

Club meeting 13 June 2021

Today we had half a dozen games at the club on a rather wintery day.

Kings of War - Alan (Goblins) played two games against Philip (Herd)
Rob (Northern Alliance) played Philip (Herd)
FOG-N - Andrew (Russians) played Mike (Turks)
Brett (Austrians) played Kendall (Wurttembergers)
Flames of War - Stephen (British) played Rob (Germans)

Kings of War Herd versus Goblins

Club meeting 30 May 2021

Great to see another good turnout at our Fifth Sunday meeting.

Kings of War Rhordia versus Goblins

Today's games:
Kings of War - Greg (Ogres) played Simon (Trident Realms)
Alan (Goblins) played Kendall (League of Rhordia)
Kendall (League of Rhordia) played Rob (Dwarfs)
Alan (Goblins) played Kit (Orcs)
FOG-N - Andrew (Austrians) played Mike B (French)
Mike H (Ottoman Turks) played Philip (Marathas)
Brett (French at Berezina) played Rob (Ottoman Turks)

Club meeting 23 May 2021

Spanish versus Bavarians, 15mm Field of Glory Napoleonics

Today's games:
BBDBA - David (Anglo-Danes and Scots) played Phil B (Lithuanians and Teutonics)
FOG-N - Andrew (British in India) played Philip A (Marathas)
Brett (Austrians) played Corbon and Mike B (French 1815)
Kendall (Prussians) played Mike H (French Army of the North 1808)
Kit (Peninsular British) played Shaun (Bavarians)
Kings of War - Mark (Kingdoms of Men) played Andrew (Ogres)
Alan (Forces of Nature) played Sam (Empire of Dust)
Simon (Trident Realms) played Sam (Empire of Dust)

Club meeting 9 May 2021

Flames of War game at the NSWC

Today's games:
FOG-N - Andrew (Russians in Switzerland 1799) played Kendall (Prussians)
Brett (Neapolitans 1815) played Philip (British 1815)
Mike B (French) played Mike H (French Army of the North 1808)
FOG-N 500 - We had a couple of 500 point games as well: Brett (Neapolitans 1815) played Shaun (Austrians in Italy 1815)
Corbon (Piedmontese) played Grant (French)
Flames of War - Ben (German Beach Defence Company) played Stephen (British Rifle Company)
Ben (German Beach Defence Company) played Rob (SAS Para squadron with Free French)

Club meeting 25 April 2021

Today's games:
Kings of War - There was a 2000 point doubles game with, on one side, Andrew (Ogres) and Sam (Empire of Dust), and on the other, Alan (Basileans) and Rob (Dwarfs). A win to the Good/Neutral side! In a second game, Rob gained another victory against Andrew, with quite a few casualties in the battle.
FOG-N - Andrew (Russians) played Brett (Neapolitans)
Al (Spanish) played Philip (Marathas)
Corbon (U.S.A.) played Mike B (French)
Kit (Peninsular British) played Mike H (French Army of the North)

2000 point doubles game of Kings of War at the NSWC

Saga tournament 18 April 2021

The Wellington club hosted a one-day Age of Crusades saga tournament. Rob won the silver medal with his Saracen army. More silverware for the club trophy cabinet!

Club meeting 11 April 2021

Games at today's meeting:
Kings of War - Greg (Elves) played Simon (Trident Realms). Another new army for Simon to show off, along with some nice new buildings!
DBA 15mm - David (Anglo-Danes and Scots) played Phil C (Rhodian Greeks) in a Big Battle DBA game.
FOG-N - Andrew (Russians) played Brett (French at Berezina)
Mike (Swedes) played Philip A (British 1815)
Kendall (Prussians) played Shaun (Bavarians)
Grant (French) played Kit (Peninsular British)

Kings of War game at the NSWC

Easter DBMM tournament 3-4 April 2021

The Hutt club hosted a 25mm DBMM teams event over Easter. Our club was represented by David, Grant and Philip (but all in different teams). A great weekend's gaming with 32 players and some spectacular 28mm armies on display. Philip brought home the 3rd place trophy for the Book 2 section of the competition.

Club meeting 28 March 2021

Another busy meeting with lots of games showing off our new toys. Simon's KOW army made a reappearance, new and improved with extra mammoths. And welcome to Andrew and Sam who joined the club today.

Kings of War game at the NSWC, March 2021

Games at today's meeting:
Kings of War - Greg (Elves) played Simon (Kingdoms of Men)
Andrew (Ogres) played Sam (Empire of Dust)
Greg (Elves) played Sam (Empire of Dust)
Andrew (Ogres) played Simon (Kingdoms of Men)
DBMM 25mm - Al (Wars of the Roses English) played Philip (Early Imperial Romans)
FOG-N - Brett (Neapolitans) played Mike (Peninsular French)
Andrew D (Russians) played Shaun (French) in a 500 point game
Flames of War - Ben (Germans) played Kit (US)

Club meeting 14 March 2021

We had a great turn-out to the club today for the AGM and lots of games got played too. The current committee was re-elected (Philip is President; Kit, treasurer; and Stu, secretary) and Rob and Andrew joined as committee members. The club fees remain at $50 for the year. We agreed to make 10am the regular opening time as this is more convenient for anyone who wants to get in a game and then leave early or have a second game in the afternoon. While we were meeting today, the Scouts were also clearing up the storeroom which makes things easier when we are setting up the tables. Thanks to everyone who took part in today's meeting.

And here's a brief report of our games:
DBMM 25mm - Benny (New Kingdom Egyptian) played Philip (Early Imperial Romans)
Saga - Alan played Rob
FOG-N - Brett (French 1815) played Corbon (US 1812)
Andrew (Russians 1815) played Mike (French in Spain 1813)
Al (Spanish) played Shaun (French minor allies)
Napoleonic naval - Kendall played Kit
FOW - Ben (Germans) played Lee (Soviets)
Kit (US) played Mike (Germans)

Flames of War game at the NSWC club meeting March 2021

FOGN 15mm American 1812 army

Club meeting 28 February 2021

Today's meeting was cancelled as we are at Level 3. The AGM will be postponed to a later date.

Club meeting 14 February 2021

Games at today's meeting:
FOG-N - Rob (Turks) played Shaun (Austrians)
Corbon (1812 Poles) played Mike (Saxons)
Grant (British in India) played Philip (Maratha)
FOW - Kit (US) played Ray (Germans)
Ben (Germans) played Lee (US)

Club meeting 31 January 2021

There was plenty of action at the club today which was especially good to see considering it was a fifth Sunday meeting on a long weekend.

NSWC club meeting January 2021

HOTT - Alan and Rob had a couple of games of Hordes of the Things in 15mm.
DBMM 25mm - Benny (New Kingdom Egyptian) played Philip (Philistines)
FOGN - Brett (French at Berezina) played Mike H (Turks)
Andrew (Prussians) played Grant (French Guard)
Corbon (French Corps d'Observation 1808) played Mike B (French 1809)
FOW - Ben (Germans) played Kit (Soviets)

Club meeting 24 January 2021

The club was all FOGN today. It was good to see several new armies (or at least works in progress). The games were:
Andrew (British 1815) played Mike (French 1809)
Philip (Maratha 1803) played Shaun (Austrians in Poland 1809)
Brett (French at Berezina) played Kendall (Prussians 1815)
Grant (French 1815) played Kit (Anglo-Spanish)

Kings of Shore 10 January 2021

Kings of War - Empire of Dust v Trolls

We had a really good Kings of War tournament to kick off the year. There were twelve players in a four-round 1250-point competition. Congratulations to Sam for coming first overall using Empire of Dust and to Kendall for winning the trophy for the highest placed NSWC player. The award for the best army was shared by Regan's Trolls and Brett's Elves.

Club meeting 10 January 2021

With most of the club taking part in Kings of Shore, there was just one other regular club game today - Al and Mike played FOGN using Spanish and 1809 French.

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This page last updated 7 April 2024
