News Archive 2023

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Club meeting 31 December 2023

The last club meeting of the year saw a couple of Napoleonics games and a 25mm medieval battle.
DBMM - Al (Wars of the Roses English) played Philip (Feudal French)
Glory is Fleeting Napoleonics - Andrew (Russian) played Mike (French)
Brett (Russians) played Gerard (French)

Happy New Year to everyone! See you again when the club starts up again on 14 January.

Glory is Fleeting Napoleonic game

Club meeting 24 December 2023

Just the one game at the club at today's Christmas eve meeting, a 15mm Napoleonics game between Andrew (Prussians) and Brett (Russians).

Club meeting 10 December 2023

Today at the club we had a Kings of War game between Rob (Dwarfs) and Sam (Empire of Dust), a Fames of War game between Ben and Kit, and a multiplayer Napoleonics game organised by Brett. The Russian and Austrian allies (Shaun, Corbin and Andrew) got a the narrowest of victories over the French (Mike, Philip and Alan).

Kings of War, Empire of Dust

Glory is Fleeting multiplayer Napoleonic game

Club meeting 26 November 2023

Congratulations to Mike for winning Kings of Shore! This year's KOW tournament had fourteen players and a good range of armies including Elves, Dwarfs, Salamanders, Orcs, Undead, Empire of Dust, and a few others!
As well as KOW, there was also a Team Yankee game between John and Lee.

Kings of Shore KOW tournament at the NSWC

Team Yankee

Club meeting 12 November 2023

Our annual Kings of Shore tournament is coming up next meeting, and we had a couple of practice games for it today. This year, KOS is a 1000 point Ambush tournament played on 3'x3' tables.
And welcome back to the club to a couple of former club members visiting from Britain - Mike (a fairly recent member) and Peter (a founding member from the 1970s). Great to see you back!
Other games at the club today:
Kings of War - Alan (Undead) played Philip (Salamanders)
Kendall (Forces of Nature) played Robert (Salamanders)
Glory is Fleeting Napoleonics - Andrew (1813 Prussians) played Mike H (1793 French)
Corbon (1848 Mexicans) played Mike H (1793 French)
Brett (1815 Russians) played Mike B (1812 French)

Glory is Fleeting 15mm Napoleonics wargame

Club meeting 29 October 2023

The weather was grey and downcast, as were the rugby fans. Nevertheless we had a club meeting with some Napoleonic and fantasy games.
Kings of War - Brett (Elves) played Kit (Orcs) in a 1000 point ambush game, getting in some practice for the Kings of Shore tournament coming up at the end of November.
Glory is Fleeting Napoleonics - Andrew (1813 Prussians) played Philip (1793 French)
Mike (1793 French) played Shaun (1793 Austrians)

1793 Revolutionary French v Austrians in a Glory is Fleeting game

Club meeting 22 October 2023

Games at today's meeting:
Renaissance - Kendall and Kit had some games trying out renaissance adaptations of DBA. There were battles between Irish Jacobites and Later Prussians, and Scots Jacobites and the English New Model Army.
Glory is Fleeting Napoleonics - Brett (1805 Russians) played Mike (1793 French)
Andrew (1815 British) played Shaun (1815 French)

FlamesCon 14-15 October 2023

FlamesCon was held at the Grey Lynn RSC this year and we had lots of club members competing - Andrew, Kit, Lee, Mike, Rob and Steve. And we got a good haul of prizes too, Lee won first place and Andrew was second.

Flamescon trophies 2023

Club meeting 8 October 2023

FlamesCon is coming up next week and Andrew, Ben and Steve had a couple of practice games and, well, it wasn't looking good for the Hetzers. Alan, Gregory and Robert had some Saga Age of Magic games. Brett and Philip had a game of Glory is Fleeting Napoleonics, because it's never too early to start practicing for CanCon.

Saga Age of Magic game at the North Shore Wargames Club

September 23-24 2023 Push of Pike

NSWC hosted the annual DBR tournament, Push of Pike, over this weekend. There were a dozen players, and several more visitors and spectators! First place went to Philip, and Brett's Persians won the Most Magnificent Army award.

Push of Pike medals

Club meeting 10 September 2023

Today's games at the club:
DBA - Greg and Phil B had threee DBA games using seveal Greek armies, Philistines, and Bosporans
DBR - Braith (Later Spanish) played Philip (Early Spanish)
Glory is Fleeting Napoleonics - Andrew (1813 Austrians, Russians and Prussians) played Brett (1805 Russians)
FOW - Ben (German) played Steve (Soviet)

Next meeting we'll be having a DBR tournament, Push of Pike, and the club will also be open for regular games.

15mm DBR game

Club meeting 27 August 2023

Today's games at the club:
Glory is Fleeting Napoleonics - Andrew (Prussians) played Brett (Peninsular French)
Mike (1794 French) played Philip (1815 British)
FOW - Ben (U.S.) played Kit (German)
John (German) played Lee (British)

Flames of War British paras

Club meeting 13 August 2023

Today's games at the club:
DBR - Robert (Ottoman Turks) played Shaun (Hungarians)
Glory is Fleeting Napoleonics - Brett (Tyrolean Revolt) played Philip (Maratha)
FOW - Kit (German) played Stephen (British crocodiles)
Kit played Ben
What a Cowboy! - Alan and Kendall had some western gunfights in the MDF Corral.

Glory is Fleeting 15mm Napoleonics game

Club meeting 30 July 2023

Today's games at the club:
Glory is Fleeting Napoleonics - Andrew played Kendall
Brett played Corbon
Corbon played Mike
FOW - Ben played Kit
Lee played Steve

Club meeting 23 July 2023

Today's games at the club:
DBR - Grant (Neapolitan Spanish) played Shaun (Hungarians)
FOW - Andrew (British) played Kit (German)

Melbourne Napoleonics Tournament 22-23 July 2023

Brett, Mike and Philip made the trip to Melbourne this weekend to play in the Glory is Fleeting Napoleonics tournament. Our armies were 1815 Neapolitans, Ottoman Turks, and 1796 French. Brett won second place (out of a field of 18 players) and Philip was awarded the Lyle Daymond Memorial Trophy for sportsmanship.

Glory is Fleeting Napoleonics trophies

Club meeting 9 July 2023

Today's games at the club:
Glory is Fleeting Napoleonics - Andrew (British 1815) played Philip (French 1796)
Corbon (Russian Cavalry Corps 1815) played Shaun (Bavarians 1815)
Brett (Neapolitans) played Mike (Ottoman Turks)
FOW - Clinton (Germans) played Kit (US Airborne)
Ben (Bulge Germans) played Steve (Soviet Sherman battalion)

Flames of War game

Glory is Fleeting Napoleonic wargame

Club meeting 25 June 2023

Welcome back to old club members and visitors joining in for some pre-Panzerschreck practice games! We also had a good variety of other games happening at the club today.
Tribal - Rob and Kendall had a Tribal skirmish game.
DBR - Shaun (Hungarians) played Steve (Dutch) in a 15mm renaissance game.
Glory is Fleeting Napoleonics - Andrew (Russians) played Brett (1815 Neapolitans)
Philip (French 1793) played Stu (Persians)
FOW - Clinton (Germans) played Kit (British)
Ian (Bulge British) played Phil (Cromwell motor company)
Lee (Soviets with Churchills) played Mike (German Hetzer Horde)

Club meeting 11 June 2023

A quiet meeting at the club today!

Club meeting 28 May 2023

Today's games at the club:
Saga - Alan, Rob and Philip played a three-sided game using Norse Gaels, Moors and Vikings
Frostgrave - The first three-player game was so successful that we then did the same with Frostgrave
FOGN - Brett (1815 Neapolitans) played Mike (Ottoman Turks)
FOW - Kit (Soviet Infantry) played Malcolm (German Tigers)
Andrew (British) played Ben (German)
Ben (German) played Steve (Soviets)

Saga game

Flames of War game

Club meeting 14 May 2023

What with Mother's Day and some fine weather, rather fewer of us at the club today. Nevertheless, we got a few games in. And welcome back to the club Gerard!
FOGN - Brett (1815 Neapolitans) played Gerard (1815 Austrians).
Andrew (Russians with Prussian and Austrian allies 1813) played Philip (French in Italy 1796)
DBR - Kit (Irish Confederates) played Shaun (Hungarian)

15mm DBR game

15mm Napoleonics game

Club meeting 30 April 2023

Today's games at the club:
FOGN - Brett (1815 Neapolitans) played Shaun (1815 Austrians). Historical result with a win to the Austrians.
Corbon (Russian Cavalry Corps 1815) played Philip (French in Italy 1800). The Consular Guard ran away, and so did the First Consul.
FOW - Kit (German) played Stephen (British)
Ben (U.S.) played Steve (German)

Flames of War game at the NSWC

Club meeting 23 April 2023

Some games of Napoleonics, Renaissance, and WWII at the club today. The Battle of the Bulge winter wonderland terrain on Kit's table was most impressive!

DBR 15mm - Philip (Neapolitan Spanish with 7 Art(I)) played Shaun (Hungarians)
FOGN - Brett (1819 Austrians) played Mike (Ottoman Turks) in two games
FOW - Kit (US glider infantry) played Malcolm (Germans)

Napoleonic era Ottoman Turks and Austrians

Flames of War - Battle of the Bulge

FOGN National Tournament 8-9 April 2023

Our club hosted the FOG-N Napoleonic national tournament this weekend. Eleven players played a total of 20 games over the weekend. Congratulations to Corbon for winning first place, Kit second, and Brett third. A good variety of armies were on display - Austrians, British, French, Italians, Polish, Prussians, Württembergers, and the victorious 1812 U.S. Army

15mm 1812 U.S. Infantry

1812 U.S. Infantry marching to victory!

Club meeting 26 March 2023

Today we had a FOGN mini-tournament using armies in Egypt and India. There were nine of us playing and we had eight games in total. Congratulations to Andrew for playing the role of young Napoleon in Egypt and winning the tournament.

As well as the Napoleonics, there were also a couple of regular FOW games, Lee v Steve, and Ben v Malcolm.

The next thing on our calendar is the FOGN Nationals on the Saturday and Sunday of Easter weekend. Sunday is also a regular club meeting for anyone who wants to play anything else.

Fames of War game

15mm Napoleonic British and Turks

Club meeting 12 March 2023

We held our AGM today. Brett was re-elected as President, Stu secretary, Kit treasurer, and Rob and Philip committee members. Club fees are set at $50 for the year (or $5 a meeting for casual visitors)

We got in some games today as well:
ADLG 25mm - Mark A (Medieval English) played Rob (Medieval Portuguese)
FOGN 15mm - Al (Peninsular British) played Kendall (French Guard)
Andrew (Russian Guard) played Philip (French at Toulon 1793)
Brett (Austrians with Russian allies) played Kit (Peninsular British)
FOW - Ben (US) played Steve (Soviets)

25mm ADLG medievals

15mm Napoleonic peninsular British

Club meeting 26 February 2023

Games at today's meeting:
DBA 15mm - David (Scots and Vikings) played Phil B (Maori)
ADLG 25mm - Mark M (Imperial Romans) played Mark A (Macedonians)
Saga - Alan and Robert had a couple of Dark Ages battles
AWI 25mm - Grant (US) played Kit (British) to gain liberty and/or death
FOGN 15mm - Brett (Austrians) played Mike (Ottoman Turks)
Kendall (a tiny French Guard army) played Shaun (a large British army with Spanish allies who did all the hard fighting)
Al (Peninsular British and Spanish 1811) played Philip A (French 1795). A mutual break!

15mm Napoleonic era Ottoman Turks

25mm American War of Independance

Club meeting 12 February 2023

Rain! Wind! Closed harbour bridge! But we still had a club meeting with these games:
FOGN - Mike (Swedish) played Shaun (1815 British and Brunswickers)
Andrew (Russian cavalry corps 1815) played Brett (Neapolitans 1815). A resounding victory for Murat against the Russian cavalry who charged headlong to disaster.
Flames of War - Kit (Soviets) played Malcolm (Germans)

15mm Napoleonic British versus Swedes

Club meeting 29 January 2023

ADLG - Benny (Carthaginian) vs Mark A (Alexandrian)
FOGN - Brett (1813 Austrian) vs Mike (French Army of the Moselle)
Shaun (1815 Anglo-Allied) vs Andrew (1815 French)
Flames of War - Kit (Russian) vs Steve (German)
Ben (US) vs Lee (German)

Cancon 21-23 January 2023

Congratulations to Mike for winning the 2nd place trophy in FOG-Napoleonics at Cancon in a field of 14 players. Brett and Philip were also playing in FOGN and Robert played in the Kings of War tournament.

Club meeting 22 January 2023

DBR - Grant (Later Polish) played Kendall (Brandenburg-Prussian) to a mutual break
Flames of War - Kit (Russian) played Ben (German with FOUR King Tigers!)
Steve (Russian) played Shaun (German with only three Tigers)
Victory at Sea - Steve (USN) played Alan (IJN)

DBR Poles versus Prussians

Victory at Sea game at the North Shore Wargames Club

Club meeting 8 January 2023

It was our first meeting back at the club after the holidays. Pretty quite with four games and a few visitors, but the Cancon Expeditionary Force did get a chance for a few last practice games, and there was an interesting Moderns game happening too.
FOGN - Andrew (Prussian 1813) played Brett (French at Berezina)
Mike (French 1814) played Philip (French 1795)
Flames of War - Ben (US) played Steve (Germans) using a new Outflank scenario.
Battlegroup NORTHAG - Al (British) played Grant (Soviets) in a 15mm 1980s era moderns game.

Flames of War game

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This page last updated 7 April 2024
