News Archive 2012

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Club meeting 30 December 2012

A typically quiet end of year club meeting today, with three games played and a few drop-in visitors.
Grant and John had a 28mm FOG-R game, both using Samurai armies. It all looked most spectacular!
A couple of FOG-N games: Andrew (1815 Russians) beat Philip (1815 Netherlands), and Al and Mike had a game both using Peninsular British armies with the win going to Mike.

Club meeting 23 December 2012

Rather a low turnout at the club today, but we did have our AGM. The current committee was re-elected and fees for 2013 set at $50. At the meeting we discussed club competitions, plans for a multiplayer project (a refight of one day of Leipzig), and the topic of Rankings HQ was also raised.

There were a couple of FOG-N games. Stu (Saxons) defeated Philip (Netherlands) 40-20, and Kendall (Russians) and Michael (British) had a draw.

Club meeting 9 December 2012

At the club today we had a couple of Flames of War games between Rob and Steve.
There were also four FOGN games:
Kendall's Russian Army of Poland defeated Al's Peninsular British. The British evicted the Russian grenadiers from a town and successfully brought on a flank march, but the Russian artillery was still too much for them.
Brett's Austrian insurrectionists took on Danny's 1806 French. The much larger Austrian army was close to breaking the French, but couldn't get the last required unit before time was called.
There was also a drawn game between Stu's early Saxons and Andrew's Italians. The slow moving Saxon infantry had made considerable progress towards the Italian baseline though.
Michael's Peninsular British got a 30-10 victory against Philip's 1799 French Army of the Orient. The British lost both their cavalry regiments, but their remaining infantry won the firefight against the French. The charismatic General Kleber did good work rallying two routing French units, but not enough to save the whole army.

Club meeting 25 November 2012

WHFB - Alan and Rob had a Warhammer game, on a table featuring a great display of Alan's terrain pieces. Rob's African themed Ogres took on the Brettonians.

Three games of Napoleonics today.
Michael (British Peninsula) had a draw with Steve (Russian Guards). A creditable 14-11 result in Steve's first game.
Brett (French 1815) got a comprehensive 22-3 win against Philip (Netherlands 1815). The Dutch-Belgians were holding off the French frontal assaults, but collapsed when the Old Guard arrived from a flank march.
Kendall (1809 Russians) played Kit (1795 British in Flanders). Close to a disaster for the British who were only a point from breaking when we called time at the end of the day. 15-10 to the Russians.

12 November 2012. Registrations for BattleCry 2013 are being accepted.

11 November 2012. Added a link to the new NZWargamer forum.

Club meeting 11 November 2012

With the FOW tournament coming up soon, there were several more training games. Brett played Steve, Steve played Rob I, Greg played Rob II, and Michael played Kit.

Also in WWII, Dan and Matt had a game of Bolt Action using 28mm Germans and Soviets.

In Napoleonics, Stu's early Saxons got their first win in a really close game against Alan's Westphalians.

Andrew played Benny in DBMM 25mm. Andrew also got the trophy for the army he had painted for Benny.

Club meeting 28 October 2012

There were four more Flames of War training games between Lee, Kit, Steve, and also Ken making a return visit from Wellington.

Fog-N. Kendall's Saxons defeated Philip's Netherlands Corps.
Brett's Austrians beat Stu's Saxons
Alan (Wesphalians) played Michael (Peninsular British)

Club meeting 14 October 2012

Today's games at the club:

DBMM 25mm - Al (Later Hoplite Greek) beat Philip (Kushite Egyptians). A decisive victory to the Spartans with Athenian allies against the invading Egyptians.

Alan (Westphalians) got a 40-20 victory over Kit (British 1815)
Kendall (1813 Prussians) defeated Brett (Austrians). The Austrian army broke in the last move of the game before it was going to time out. Victory points were 20-5 to Kendall.
The third Napoleonics game at the club today was between Andrew (French) and Michael (British Peninsular), using the new army lists.

Club meeting 30 September 2012

Today's games at the club:

25mm Kushite Egyptians in a DBMM game. DBMM 25mm - Philip (Kushite Egyptians) beat Benny (Bretons with miscellaneous allies). The massed Egyptian archers deployed deep in anticipation of a Viking attack, which they survived. Meanwhile the Egyptian cavalry and chariots defeated the Breton heavy and light cavalry.

15mm Westphalians and Prussians in a FOGN game. FOG-N - a couple of Napoleonics games today. Pictured here are Kendall's Prussian guards attacking Alan's Westphalians. A glorious Prussian victory, accompanied by the singing of patriotic songs.

In the other game, Andrew's French and Neapolitans employed a flank march in their attack on Brett's Austrian grenadier force. The main Neapolitan force fell back from the counter-attacking Austrians, who were themselves chased by the French young guard who arrived on the flank. After several hours neither army was broken, and neither was in good shape, but the Austrians were ahead on points.

Club meeting 23 September 2012

As well as hosting the second day of Push of Pike, it was also a regular club meeting day. Dan and Matt had a Warhammer fantasy game, Orcs and Goblins versus rats. Greg and Andrew played Flames of War, with vast numbers of Soviet armour on the table. No Napoleonic games today, but much interest in the newly arrived book of army lists covering the Revolutionary wars and the Peninsula.

Push of Pike 22 and 23 September 2012

The ninth annual renaissance tournament Push of Pike 2012 was held at the club this week. There was a good turnout with 12 players including several from out of town. First place went to Philip, Mark second, and Stephan third. There were two Maghrebi armies in the top three, and the best army award went to Philip's Maghrebi (Tripoli).

Club meeting 9 September 2012

Games at the club today:

DBA. Kendall and Nic had a game of DBA using 20mm plastics. Armies were Saxons and Vikings.

DBR 15mm. John (Dutch Revolt) played Stephan and Rowan (Ottoman Turks) in a DBR training game. We should see plenty more DBR games next meeting as Push of Pike is on that weekend.

FoG-N. Two Napoleonics games today. Firstly Andrew D (Russian and Allies) beat Al (British peninsular). In the other game Andrew's 1812 French broke Alan's Westphalians in a very close fight.

FoW. Kendall played Greg in a late-war game.

Club meeting 26 August 2012

FoG-Ancients game. Another good turnout at the club today, which was good to see.

FoG-Ancients. Alan's Normans took on Michael's Koreans in a game trying out the rule updates in version 2.

FoG-Napoleonics game. FoG-Napoleonics. Three Napoleonics games today:
Brett (Austrian 1809 Army of Bohemia) beat Philip (Netherlands 1815)
Al (British peninsular) played Andrew H (Italians)
Andrew D (Multinational corps) played Rob (Polish)

FoW. Kit played Steve in a late war game.

Club meeting 12 August 2012

Lee had a couple of Flames of War games using his Finnish army. Firstly a win against Kendall, and then a 6-1 loss to Steve.

There were three games of FOG-Napoleonics, all ending with 40-20 wins.
Andrew (Italians) beat Al (British peninsular)
Michael (British peninsular) beat Philip (Netherlands 1815)
Alan (Westphalians in their first battle) beat Brett (Austrian insurrectionists)

Club meeting 29 July 2012

Weather: Rain

WFB: Alan (Brettonian) played Dan (Orcs and Goblins) with Matt as Dan's chauffeur.

FoW: Mike (Hetzer company) beat Kendall (Irish Guards Infantry company) in a No Retreat mission. "Hetzers - Faaasands of 'em" said Vandeleur, who has a passing resemblance to Michael Caine.

FoG-N: Kit (1815 British) beat Brett (1809 Austrian Army of the Danube) 22-3. Egged on by Messers Blue and Donald who pointed out mistakes in rule interpretation and tactics, Brett launched a confident assault into an unsupported, disordered British unit. Due to the Goldsbury Effect (the ability to roll nothing under 4 with multiple dice when it matters), the Austrians broke and streamed back through their supports and comrades, breaking another two units for an inglorious 40-20 to the Brits.

Club meeting 22 July 2012

Weather report: Rainy.
Club report: Six tables set up with a wide variety of games. Good to see more club members getting in some games.

Warhammer game at the North Shore Wargames Club.Warhammer. Dan and Rob had another WHFB game, with lots of Empire and Rats battling it out. The game got a bit intense after 1st turn. Result was a fine victory to the Empire.

DBMM 15mm. Philip (Mithridatic) beat Steve (Patrician Romans). Mithridates' own command was beaten, but the rest of the army fought on to get a 17-8 win.

FOG-N. Andrew D (Russian guards) beat Al (Penisular British). The British found themselves attacking an army even smaller than their own, but got into some trouble when Russian cavalry occupied their LOC.

FOG-N. Kit (1815 British) beat Kendall (Russian army of Moldavia).

Flames of War. Brett (Finns) beat Greg (Germans) in a late war game.

Flames of War. Ross's Soviet army of JS1s beat Michael's German Hetzers.

Club meeting 8 July 2012

It was a particularly cold day today, especially for those of us making an early start. But home advantage to the Russian armies.

FOG-N. Andrew D (Russian guards) played Philip (1815 Netherlands). It was a see-saw battle, with lots of action ending with a mutual break.

FOG-N. Andrew H (1809 Italians) got a decisive win against Al (British).

Flames of War. Kit (Germans) played Steve (Soviets).

Warhammer. Dan and Rob had a WHFB game, using the new Empire book.

Club meeting 24 June 2012

A good mix of games at the club today, with a couple of new club members as well which is good to see.

FOG-A. Alan and Ross had a medieval battle, using a couple of Alan's armies.

FOG-N. Brett (Austrians) played Philip (Netherlands). The Netherlands attack soon turned to a fighting withdrawal, ending with a 13-12 draw in favour of the Austrians.

Flames of War. A couple of WWII tables had games between Michael and Gregg, and Steve and Robbie.

Club meeting 10 June 2012

FoG-R 15mm Renaissance battle between Imperialists and Royalists.Alan and Michael had a 15mm FOG-R game, using Royalists and German Catholic Imperialists.

In a FOG-N game, Kit got a 24-1 win with 1815 British against Philip with the 1815 Netherlands corps.

Rob tried out the Victory at Sea rules, doing the River Plate scenario.

NICON 3-4 June 2012

Flames of War terrain at NICON 2012 in AucklandNicon 2012 was hosted by The City Guard in the Freemans Bay hall. There were lots of Warhammer fantasy and 40K and Warmachine games, and DBMM 25mm ancients, FoG 15mm Napoleonics, and Flames of War late war in the historical competitions.

There were 6 players in Ancients, 14 in Napoleonics (including Al, Andrew, Brett, Kendall, Kit, Mike, Philip, Robbie, and Stu from the NSWC), and 12 in FoW (with Ken and Steve from our club).

FOG-N 15mm 1809 AustriansKendall won the Napoleonics competition, using an 1807 Russian cavalry corps, and Philip was second with an 1815 Netherlands army.

Bryan from the South Auckland club won the prize for the best painted army, an excellent 1809 Austrian army of AB figures.

Napier will be hosting Nicon 2013.

Club meeting 27 May 2012

DBR 25mm gameDBR 25mm. John and Richard had a couple of DBR games. In the first, a 1520s period game, the Imperialists took on the Venetians. In the second game, the Royalists defeated the 30YW Germans.

There were several FOG-Napoleonics games, as we are getting in some practice before Nicon next week.
Rob (Poles) beat Philip (Netherlands) with a 40-20 victory. Some enterprising Polish cavalry charged a Dutch square, passed through, and then rode on to occupy the Netherlands' LOC. Meanwhile a Polish infantry assault routed three defending Dutch militia from their hill, taking the rest of the army with them.
Andrew (Russians) played Michael (British) in a practice game.
Michael then had a second game against Kit. In a British v British dress rehearsal, Michael got a decisive 30-10 win, losing only 1 spent cavalry base.

Battlefront Grand Tournament (Flames of War - Mid War) 19-20 May 2012

There were 34 players in this year's GT, including half a dozen from the NSWC. Our results were:
1. Rob Sadler Rifle Company (Italy) 79.84 Best Overall
3. Mike Haycock Battaglione Fucilieri 72.80 Third Overall
7. Kit Goldsbury Grenadierkompanie 69.60 Best General
11. Steve Eyles Jalkav kikomppania 63.60
15. Ken Camel Afrika Sch tzenkompanie 62.60
34. Andrew Pickering Battaglione Alpini 38.00
Plus we'll also take the credit for a former club member, Steve Hill, Fallschirmj gerkompanie, 79.40, Second Overall.

Club meeting 13 May 2012

FOG-Ancients. Alan (Republican Romans) played Philip (Pontic). It was an epic struggle, with both armies only one unit away from breaking after a long fight.

FOG-Napoleonics. Brett (French Imperial Guard) played Michael (British)

Flames of War. Rob won a game against Steve, a tough night fight between British and Finnish Infantry; 25 pdrs took out a KV1.

Club meeting 29 April 2012

Just the two games today:

Field of Glory 15mm Italo-Normans and Nikephorian ByzantinesFOG-Ancients. Rob (Nikephorian Byzantines) played Alan (Italo-Normans)

Field of Glory Napoleonics 15mm British and PortugueseFOG-Napoleonics. Al (British Peninsular) beat Philip (Netherlands and Brunswickers)

Club meeting 22 April 2012

Three games of FOG-N at the club today:
Rob (Poles) beat Brett (Imperial Guard)
Kendall (Saxons) beat Michael (British)
Andrew (French and Italians) beat Philip (Netherlands and Brunswickers)

NatCon, 6-8 April 2012

Natcon was held in Hamilton this year, and although there was a fairly low turnout overall we had a good contingent from the NSWC there.

Panzer IIs and IIIs

Ken was in the Flames of War Early War Competition, using a Panzer III army.

Mike was in Late War, and got second place using German armour.

15mm DBR Alwa army

The Hand of God points the way! Stu took the Alwa army to a DBR competition for the third time. He came fourth this time in the nationals with two good wins and a draw.

There are more pictures and a tournament report in The Wargames Room.

FOG-N British v Poles

Most of us from the club were playing FOG-Napoleonics, together with several of the South Auckland club members.

Our armies were: Al (British peninsular), Andrew (French and Italians), Brett (1809 Austrians), Kendall (1809 Russians), Kit (1815 British), Philip (1815 Netherlands), and Robert (Poles). Philip was 1st, Kit 2nd, and Al 3rd.

The picture here shows the battle between the British and Poles. There's a big cavalry scrap going on next to the forest, while another Polish lancer unit makes a wide sweeping move around the other side of the forest... but arriving too late!

Club meeting 25 March 2012

Games at the club today:
DBR 15mm
Mark (Parliamentarian) defeated Philip (Neapolitan) 9-1.

Kendall (Russians) 24-1 Al (British)
Brett (Austrians) 15-10 Rob (Polish)
Andrew (French and Italians) beat Kit (British)

Andrew (Russian) played Michael (German)
Steve (Russian) played Michael (German)

Club meeting 11 March 2012

Flames of War, US v Germans

Today we had what may well have been the last of the games using the draft FOG-N rules, with the published version expected here in a couple of weeks. Andrew's 1809 French and Italians defeated Al's Peninsular British, while on the next table Kit's 1815 British beat Philip's 1815 Netherlands and Brunswicker force.

In a Warhammer game, Dan's Skaven took on Rob's Empire.

Ken and Steve had a Flames of War game, with the US forces defeating the Fallschirmjager. Bad luck for the Germans who lost their Tiger on the first turn!

Warhammer Skaven v Empire

Annual General Meeting 26 February 2012

As well as the AGM, there were four Flames of War games between Ken, Kit, Lee, and Robbie.

Andrew (Italians and French) beat Brett (Austrians) in a FOG-N game.

Battlecry 18-19 February 2012

Battlecry 2012 at the ASB stadium in Kohimarama
Battlecry 2012 was held in the ASB Stadium in Kohimarama.

FOG ancients game at Battlecry 2012
Half of the FOG-Ancients competition were NSWC players: Rob (Byzantines) - pictured here taking on the Arab Conquest army; Sam (Syrian States); Michael (Early Zhou Chinese); and Philip (Muslim Indian Sultanates) - a pretty army with lots of elephants, coming last in the competition.

Club meeting 12 February 2012

Three games at the club today:
DBMM 15mm - Al's Spartans got a 16-9 victory over Philip's New Kingdom Egyptians.

FOG-A 15mm - Michael's Urartians defeated Rob's Byzantines.

Flames of War - Kit (Germans) played Steve (French led by de Gaulle). It was a win to the Germans; De Gaulle was finally killed and the mission finished on turn 8; Two German platoons were destroyed, but with the new V3 rules, because they had at least 9 platoons only 1 was counted as lost.

Club meeting 29 January 2012

15mm Napoleonic Russian cavalryIt was a quieter meeting at the club today, with lots of people away for the long weekend.

Stu was over at CanCon, coming 4th in DBR 15mm using the Fronde French. Benny was playing 25mm DBMM at ValleyCon, taking second place and winning the prize for the best army (Marian Romans).

We had two games at the club. Michael and Ken had a FOG ancients game, using Urartians and New Kingdom Egyptians. The heavy Urartian chariots were too much for the light Egyptian chariots. Plus it was Ken's first FOG game.

In the other game of FOG Napoleonics, Kendall's 1807 Russians (based on the Battle of Friedland) got a 20-4 win over Philip's Netherlands 1815 army.

Club meeting 22 January 2012

Eleven of us at the club, and only two games... how is that, you ask? Well there was a Flames of War game on one table, and a multi-player FOG-N game spread across three other tables. We did a refight of Austerlitz. The French players were Andrew, Rob, Kendall, Mike, and Al, and the hapless Austrian and Russian allies were Steve, Brett, Kit, and Philip. A glorious victory to the French, who inflicted 50% losses on their opponents while losing little over 20% of their own forces.

Also, a reminder that we have another meeting next weekend, being the 5th Sunday of the month.

Club meeting 8 January 2012

The year got off to a great start with a lot of games at the club today.

SAGA. Benny and Mike visiting from AWC had a demo game of Saga, 25mm Dark Ages skirmish.

FOG-Ancients. Michael L (Early Zhou Chinese) beat Philip (Muslim Indian Sultanates)
Michael H (Urartian) v Sam (Syrian States)

FOG-Napoleonics. Brett (Austrians) v Kendall (Prussians)

FOW. Steve (Soviets) v Ken (German)
Rob (Germans) v Kit (Soviets)

Grant and John had a futuristic battle, using 40K figures.

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This page last updated 7 April 2024
