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Club meeting 31 December 2017
We had a quiet club meeting on the last day of the year, but still got three tables up. Kendall and Rob played some 25mm Napoleonics with Songs of Drums and Shakos using British and Turks. There were a couple of FOG-N games, with Andrew's French cavalry corps beating Stu's Mamlukes, and Mike's Turks beating Philip's British. Lots of Turks in all the games!
Club meeting 24 December 2017
FOG-N - Mike (Turks) played Brett (Austrians)
Crossfire - Steve and Bruce had a 28mm WWII game
Kings of War - Philip (Kingdoms of Men) Robert (Forces of Nature)
Philip (KOM) played Kendall (Empire of Dust)
Club meeting 10 December 2017
FOG-N. Philip (British 1815) played Andrew (Russian guards 1814)
Brett (Austrians 1809) played Kendall (Württembergers 1809)
Kit (British 1815) played Mike (Turks)
Flames of War. Rob (Polish Home Army) played John and Steve, both of whom used German armies.
Finally, Alan ran a game of Zombicide. Alan, Philip and Steve played the mistakenly named Survivors.
Club meeting 26 November 2017
Now that the two recent Kings of War tournaments have finished, there are fewer KOW games at the club - just the one today, Rob (Nature) played Grant (Dwarfs)
There's a contingent of us going over to CanCon in 2018 to play FOG-Napoleonics 2nd edition, so we'll expect to see some more practice games in the next couple of months. There were a couple of games today: Andrew (Prussians and Russians) beat Brett (Austrians). Mike (Turks) beat Philip (Netherlands 1815)
In both game the defenders with Flexible Defence beat Frontal Assaults.
Rumble in the Jungle 19 November 2017
Congratulations to Chris who won first place at the Kings of War tournament held at Mighty Ape HQ. There were 10 players in the competition, almost all of us from the NSWC.
The event was also a good opportunity to show off terrain set up on DeepCut Studio table mats, at least two of which were ordered on the day!
Club meeting 12 November 2017
FOG-Napoleonics. Brett (1799 Austrians and Russians) played Mike's Ottoman Turks.
Kings of War. Rob (Herd) vs Philip (Herd). Alan (Undead) vs Simon (Elves). Alan (Undead) vs Philip (Herd). Rob (Herd) vs Simon (Elves)
Flames of War. Lee played two games, first against Ray and then John.
Club meeting 29 October 2017
Kings of Shore. Our KOW tournament had a really good turnout - 18 players including several from out of town. Chris was the highest ranked NSWC player, so won the club fantasy trophy. Brett's army of Eureka frogs won the best painted army prize!
Club meeting 22 October 2017
A good variety of games at the club today - some Flames of War, lots of Kings of War (ten 1250 point games with Alan, Chris, Rob, Brett, Steve, Kendall, Kit, Mike, Simon and Bruce), and some 20mm Crossfire WWII with Bruce, Steve and Braith.
Club meeting 8 October 2017
With the Kings of Shore tournament coming up at the end of the month, we had lots of practice games using 1250 point armies. Players and forces were: Alan (Basilean), Kendall (Empire of Dust), Philip (Empire of Dust), Chris (Empire of Dust), Braith (Brotherhood), Simon (Elves), Mike (Abyssal Dwarfs), and Kit (Orcs).
Other games included FOGN - Stu's Mamlukes taking on Andrews Russians and Austrians - and some Crossfire games with Bruce, Braith and Kit.
Club meeting 24 September 2017
Flames of War - Mike (US) played Rob (DAK)
Kings of War - Steve Varangur had a couple of games using the Varangur, first against Philip (with Empire of Dust) and then again against Philip and Braith. Two wins to Steve!
Rob (Kingdoms of Men) played Mike (Abyssal Dwarfs)
FOGN - Brett (Austrians) played Andrew (British 1815)
Club meeting 10 September 2017
Club meeting 27 August 2017
Alan and Rob played Frostgrave (pictured here)
FOG-N - Andrew (British in Egypt) played Philip (Revolutionary French). Brett played Mike.
Songs of Drums and Shakos - Kendall and Braith had a game of SDS.
Kings of War - Steve (Varangur) played Chris (Ratkin)
Club meeting 13 August 2017
Another really well-attended meeting today with lots of games going on.
FOG-N. Kendall (Walmoden's Corps, 1813) played Andrew (Prussians)
Al (Peninsular British with Spanish allies) played Philip (French Army of the Orient)
Brett (Austrians in Italy 1809) played Steve (French in Spain 1810)
Flames of War. Lee (Germans) played John (Soviets)
Kit (US) played Lee (Germans)
Tanks. Braith had a couple of games, against Kit and Mike.
Kings of War. Alan (Goblins) played Philip (Herd).
Club meeting 30 July 2017
Another 5th-Sunday meeting!
Club meeting 23 July 2017
FOG-N - Brett (1813 French Guards) played Andrew (1799 Russians and Austrians in Suvarov's army)
Kings of War. Rather a good turnout for KOW this meeting!
Rob (Dwarfs) played Philip (Herd)
Alan (Undead) played Kendall (Nature)
Chris (Ratkin) played Greg (Orcs)
Mike (Abyssal Dwarfs) played Simon (Elves)
Kendall (Nature) played Rob (Dwarfs)
Mike (Abyssal Dwarfs) played Chris (Ratkin)
Kit (Orcs) played Simon (Elves)
Alan (Undead) played Philip (Herd)
Club meeting 9 July 2017
FoG-Napoleonics. Andrew (Russians) played Brett (French)
Kendall (Wurttemberg) played Philip (French)
Kit (British) played Mike (Spanish)
Kings of War. Alan (Nature) played Gordon (Dwarfs)
Chris (Ratkin) played Gordon (Dwarfs)
Alan (Undead) played Rob (Dwarfs)
Rob (Dwarfs) played Steve (Varangur)
Kendall (Nature) played Steve (Varangur)
Club meeting 25 June 2017
FoG-Napoleonics. Brett (French) played Mike (Spanish) and Andrew (Russians) played Kendall (Württemberg).
Kings of War. Alan (Undead) played Philip (Kingdoms of Men)
Alan (Undead) played Rob (Dwarfs)
Simon (Elves) played Philip (Kingdoms of Men). This was the first game for Simon's Mantic Elf army, winning the Invade scenario 5-3.
Club meeting 11 June 2017
FoG-Napoleonics. Mike played Andrew twice, firstly Spanish v French and then Spanish v Russians.
Brett (French 1814) played Philip (French 1800)
Flames of War. Steve (Germans) played Kit (US)
Steve (Germans) played Rob (Poles)
Kings of War. Alan (Forces of Nature) played Kendall (Undead)
Alan (Forces of Nature) played Gordon (Dwarfs)
Club meeting 28 May 2017
FoG-Napoleonics. Kit (British) played Philip (French)
Mike (Turks) played Alan (Westphalians)
Kendall (Württembergers) played Andrew (Russians)
Flames of War. Ben (Germans) played Steve (Soviets)
Kings of War. Chris (Ratkin) played Rob (Dwarfs)
Alan (Forces of Nature) played Rob (Dwarfs)
Club meeting 14 May 2017
Rob and Kendall played a Bolt Action game, both using British Paras. They then had a Kings of War game, this time both using Dwarfs.
FoG-Napoleonics - We had a couple of FOGN games, getting in some practice for NICon coming up next month and also playtesting version 2 of the rules. Andrew (Prussians) played Stu (Saxons), and Philip (French Army of the Orient) played Mike (Turks)
Club meeting 30 April 2017
Kings of War - Rob (League of Rhordia) played a couple of games, first against Alan (Undead) and then Chris (Ratkin).
Flames of War - Ben (German) had a couple of games against Kit (U.S.)
FoG-Napoleonics - Andrew (Mixed Nationality Corps) played Brett (Austrians)
Philip (French Army of the Orient) played Stuart (Saxons)
Club meeting 23 April 2017
We had several games at the club today. This picture is of one of the Napoleonic games - Kit's 1815 British playing Philip's French.
NatCon 2017 14-17 April
The Nationals were held at the Woolston Workingmens Club in Christchurch over Easter weekend. The event was well attended, although there was a very low turnout from Auckland clubs and Rob and Philip were the only NSWC members there. Rob won 1st place in Kings of War with his Dwarf army.
Amongst the loot bag was this souvenir figure of the Natcon Kiwi!
Club meeting 9 April 2017
A busy day at the club today - 5 games of Flames of War, 4 of Kings of War, and 1 of FoG Napoleonics.
Club meeting 26 March 2017
Club meeting 12 March 2017
FOG-N. Mike (French) played Andrew (Russian guards)
Kit (British) played Philip (French Army of the Orient)
Kings of War. Rob (Herd) played Alan (Undead)
Rob (Herd) played Chris (Ratkin)
Philip (Herd) played Alan (Undead)
Flames of War. Mike (Russians) played Greg (Germans) in a practice game for Equinox next week.
Club meeting 26 February 2017
It was good to see some new faces at the club. Welcome to the new guys! There was a good range of games being played today as well.
Flames of War
Steve's Soviets took on Ben with a daunting array of King Tigers.
Mike (French 1814) played Philip (French Army of the Orient 1801)
Kendall (Württemberg) played Kit (British 1815)
Brett (Austrians) played Andrew (British)
Kings of War
Chris (Ratkin) played Rob (Dwarfs)
Alan (Goblins) played Chris (Ratkin)
Rob (Dwarfs) played Philip (Empire of Dust)
Club meeting 12 February 2017
Saga - Normans and Vikings.
The Turkish fortifications.
Saga - Rob and Alan had a game with Vikings attacking a Norman baggage train.
FOG-N - We had three more practice games using the Version 2 rules: Andrew (Russians in the Balkans) using Prepared Attack played Philip (French Army of the Orient) in Flexible Defence. Kit (1815 British) played Mike (Turks), both using Position Defence and the Turks with field fortifications. Kendall (Württemberg) played Brett (Austrians).
Flames of War - Tumatauenga (Germans) played Rob (British)
Club meeting 29 January 2017
15mm DBR Moghuls and Muslim Indians. The Muslim Indians begin leaving their hill moving towards the Moghuls defending another hill and village.
DBR - Mark and Tom visited the club to play a doubles game with Philip and Grant. It was a 600AP game, with Moghuls taking on Muslim Indians with Maratha allies. A win to the Moghuls!
FOG-N. Two more practice games using the version 2 rules - Brett (Tyrolean Revolt) played Andrew, and Mike (Turks with fortifications) played Kendall (Russian cavalry corps).
KOW. Rob and Alan played a couple of battles from the Destiny of Kings narrative campaign.
Annual General Meeting - 22 January 2017
At the AGM we re-elected the council - President Steve, Secretary Kendall, and Treasurer Kit, and set the club fees at $60 for the year or $5 for casual visitors.
Games at today's meeting:
Kings of War - Philip (Kingdoms of Men) beat Alan (Forces of Nature) 2-1 in the Loot scenario.
FOG-Napoleonic - A couple of games playtesting the 2nd edition rules: Mike defeated Andrew, with a French cuirassier counter-attack destroying a Prussian flank march. In the other game Brett's 1805 French beat Kendall's 1815 Prussian Guard Corps.
Flames of War - Steve and Kit had two games, both resulting in a 5-2 victory to Steve's Soviets against the Germans.
FOG-N French v Prussians
Flames of War - Soviets v Germans
Club meeting 8 January 2017
The year got off to a good start with several more games at the club.
Brett ran a couple of playtest games for the new version of FOG-N. He used an Austrian army first against Andrew's Russians and then against Mike's Peninsular British.
KOW - As usual there was a good number of Kings of War battles as well:
Rob (Night Stalkers) played Philip (Kingdoms of Men)
Mike (Abyssal Dwarfs) played Kendall (Forces of Nature)
Rob (Night Stalkers) played Steve (Varangur)
Kit (Orcs) played Philip (Kingdoms of Men)
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